
This overview helps navigating through all documentation

How the docs are organised

Project templates are pre-configured empty projects to get started really quickly
Quickstart guides are step-by-step tutorials for manual integration
GitHub demos show simple examples working out-of-the-box
The API references detail the inner workings of the API
The white paper provides an in-depth analysis of the technology

Where to begin?

Start by creating an app
Download the binaries for the platform of your choice
Follow the quickstart guides for learning initial steps

Debug your code using the HypeSDK

Navigate through the API references for API details.
Join our slack channel for technical support
Reach out to our online community for bug reports and support

Develop using the HypeSDK

File bug reports using our online community

Moving into production

Learn about development and production modes
Implement a custom OAuth 2.0 authentication server
Configure your app to use your own authentication mechanisms
Learn how to validate certification requests

Getting help

Find all sorts of help using our Slack channel
Open support tickets using our online community
Contact us directly if you get stuck or need clarification
Clear your doubts with our most FAQ